Monday, 30 December 2013

Twitter Takeover: Colt King Takes Over Steelers Banter

Following on from the success of their Q&A takeover with Tom Squires, our friends at Steelers Banter thought they'd do it again. And they got a corker. Ladies and gentlemen, Colt King.

Daniel Jurik: Would you come back to the Steelers? Before the season started was there any talks about you coming back to us?
CK: Yeah I sure would. I had a great time playing in Sheffield. Great city and awesome fans. Yeah, we talked. If it wasn't for my commitment to my team now I would have came back over
Paul Taylor: First of all my daughter was heartbroken when you left do you miss the club and have good memories?? How's the hand? Any idea where you will be next season yet? There was a rumour the Panthers tried to sign you, any truth to that?
CK: Say hello to her for me.. I really enjoyed my time in Sheffield and was very lucky to wear the jersey for a season. My hand is better but will never return to how it once way. I lost a lot of my range of motion. Next season is a still a big question. I'm not sure what's going to happen. In the past, but I haven't spoken to their organization in a couple years.
Paul and Kerry Wild: Would you ever play for the Steelers again, and if so when you signing up? Why oh why have you cut your hair I thought us long haired blokes stuck together lol
CK: hey Paul. I'd play for the steelers, in a heartbeat I've got to hold up my commitment to my team now. I'm growing it back out. Thankfully I'm lucky enough that it still grows back
Frozen Steel Blog: What did you reckon to the standard of officiating over here? Would it put you off coming back? Who's your NHL team? And who do you fancy for the playoffs?
CK: Good question. I think that the referring really struggles. Too many egos. And Very unprofessional. My opinion of course. The Blackhawks have always been my team.
Cross Check Clothing: Who were your favourite team mates while in Sheffield? obviously you had a lot of great fights here. Was there anyone in the EIHL you wished you'd fought??
CK: We had a awesome group of guys on the team. A team that I wish could always stay together. I miss the boys. I don't wish to fight anyone. Unless they deserve it. But, no. I fought the guys I had to.
Tricky: hey Colt, how is the finger holding up these days? No more ops I hope!!
CK: Knock on wood!! My finger is now known as "the hook" or "the wonky finger" it's ugly, but thankfully it still works.
Kerry Renshaw: Hey Colt , who is your all time Ice Hockey hero ?
 CK: Dennis Savard. He was favourite player growing up. The crazy thing is, we're totally different types of players.
Fraser Monks: hello colt, what do you think the way the sport is heading on fighting issue ?
CK: Why do you think Gretzky was never touched. Guys were scared. There's no more fear. Rats take cheap shots tough guys get suspension.
CapsBanterArmy: how badly do you want to win #BawbagOfTheWeek ??
CK: Pretty bad??? Idk what that is?
Tomill: hey Colt, how close were u on a return to sheffield this season? And could u see yourself ever coming back? 
CK: Very close. If I wasn't already committed to come back to the Mavs I think it's safe to say I would have been a steeler this year.
Rich Hoyland: hey colt how does it feel when you see a fan wearing a replica jersey with your number / name on it?
CK: It's humbling. No question. It's flattering that someone would spend their money to wear my name and number. #honour
Harry Shapland: what do you want for Christmas this year colt?
 CK: Another championship... And for people to stop killing animals for sport.
B-ry Price: Remember playing me on that drawing game??:)
CK: Yup. Remember how good at drawing I was.. Jj. Not an artist.
Alastair Neil: every fan from every team in the EIHL would love you on their team, but would you ever come back?
CK: Cheers. Thanks. I would love the opportunity to come back..
Steelers Memes: Colt, do u ever regret how it ended in Sheff for u? U were a huge hero to fans and cudda been a Steelers legend in time.
CK: Absolutely. It was a joke. It should never had happened. Finnerty lied about everything he said about me.. He's a rat.  
Big thanks to Steelers Banter for sending us the transcript of the Q&A - find them at Also, thank you to Colt King for answering questions. Expect more Twitter Takeovers in the new year.

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