Sunday, 12 January 2014

Ice Hockey vs Football

Seasoned pro wrestling blogger Craig Jarrett makes his Frozen Steel Debut, with a short but sweet article about the lack of media coverage the sport of kings gets.

First of all I would like to thank Frozen Steel for giving me this opportunity to write for them, I usually don't write much regarding ice hockey despite it being one of my most favourite sports in the world because I spend too much of my time discussing wrestling but here I go with what will hopefully be the first of many articles for this site.

I would like to out this there, why is ice hockey so huge in the Canada, the United States and some of the European countiries but for some reason here in the UK it isn't as big as it deserves to be. Instead the big sport that is everywhere is football. This is a sport that features very little heart, very little contact and very little commitment from its players as it has been overtaken by money whereas ice hockey is all heart, contact and commitment from its players.

I would love to live in a country where my Sheffield Steelers are a household name and where ice hockey is featured on TV and in other media as much as football is and the sport receives full attendances at every single game up and down Britain. I know that despite the amount of support ice hockey does have in the UK it will take a big financial investment for it to reach the same heights as football which to be honest I really am confused as to why this hasn't happened because people only have to look at how huge the NHL is on the worldwide ice hockey scene to know that it is a good investment.

Anyway I just wanted to get that off my chest and I hope to write further articles in the future with hopefully more substance to them for my fellow Steelers fans to read and hopefully enjoy, once again I thank you for this opportunity.

We want your opinions on this. What can be done to bring hockey into the mainstream?

Post on the Frozen Steel Forum (There will be a dedicated thread)
Tweet us: @FrozenSteelBlog, @Craig_Jarrett

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