Monday, 13 January 2014

The Good Hockey Etiquette Guide

A week or two ago we asked the people of both the Frozen Steel Forum and our followers on Twitter what they would consider to be good manners and behaviour at an ice hockey game. Through their input, and my own common sense, here's what we came up with.

Welcome to the Frozen Steel Good Hockey Etiquette Guide

1. Sit down during play.
Its fairly simple, if you are restricting somebody's view, stop. If you're at the back of a top tier block, I see no issue with you standing up, but if you are asked to sit, you should respect that. If you have to move around, make it during a break in play as is requested, so you do not spoil anyone's enjoyment of the game.

2. It's a family sport.
There are several issues with this.
a) Because it's a family sport, kids will be present. Please do not swear - they can hear that at school, they shouldn't hear it at an ice hockey game.
b) Kids will be present. And kids are prone to being annoying little brats who won't do as they're told by their parents. Or they could be hyperactive and really like moving around. Either way, shouting at them is not going to help anyone. A quiet word or sheet ignorance is the best policy. (I'm told I was a kid once. I doubt it).
c) Kids will be present. Which means their parents should be. Parents: Don't let your kids have the run of the arena. Teach them the rules and get them to respect them.

3. Expect loud noises
Its a sport. Sport is supposed to ignite passion, and stir the senses. You will hear shouting. You will hear praise. You will hear negativity. You may like it. You may not. But that does NOT give you the right to stare daggers into the guy behind you who has started a chant, because you want to sit quietly and ponder life. Go to a library instead.

4. Respect the National Anthem
You don't have to be a royalist. You don't have to like the Queen. But respect the tradition. Don't sing nonsense in the middle of it. Don't sing utter tripe during it (looking at you, black and gold folk).

5. Camera flashes off.
You know when a bit of light hits a shiny surface and gives you temporary glare burn? Yeah, that.

6. Have fun.
Its supposed to be a fun occasion. You are paying money to be entertained and to enjoy yourself. Even if we're losing, make an event of it.

There were more suggestions, but it was more individual opinion than stuff that should be set in stone.

Thank you to the Frozen Steel readers for helping me with this piece, you guys rock.

Opinions on this? Tweet us!


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