Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Jeff Legue - The End Of An Era

The recent rumours have now become a reality.

7 years, 421 games, 230 goals, 284 assists and multiple championships after first becoming a Sheffield Steeler, the Jeff Legue era has come to an end.

However, it comes as no surprise.

Jeff became a father for the first time this season and if you tie that in with his admittedly aging body you can see why the switch from the Steelers to the Steeldogs has happened.

His new deal provides him a solid foundation for the next chapter in his and his young family's life. 3 year contracts are somewhat unheard of in the UK hockey scene, however that is what Jeff has been dealt by the Steeldogs, and quite frankly, good on him for securing his future and good on the Steeldogs for being able to provide just that.

Jeff has played at above a point a game his entire EIHL career and he will be quite a player for the Steeldogs and the EPL in general.

The move makes perfect sense for everybody involved and will benefit everyone.

The only downside to this is some Steelers fans will feel like they've not really had chance to say thank you and goodbye to Jeff, but I sense that the world of social media will soon get that message across to him.

We have been with him, as he has been with us, through the highs and lows both on and off the ice. The electric pace and the silky smooth goals have had us on the edge of our seats. The silly slashes and penalties have had us ripping our hair out. The various stories involving Jeff have had us all laughing. The loss of his father had us all coming together as one, providing him with support and comfort. The championships have had us jumping for joy and celebrating together.

We've been very fortunate to have watched him perform at his prime playing the sport he loves to play and as fans we should all feel privileged for having been able to see that.

Above all else though, we've had the pleasure of being able to know and interact with Jeff Legue the human being.

He's always stopped and talked to people and been more than happy to pose for pictures with fans or sign merchandise. He has been a perfect example for how sportsmen and women should conduct themselves in the real world and how to be real role models for the next generation.

It has been a pleasure to have had him in a Sheffield Steelers jersey for the last 7 years and it will be good to see him play another 3 years within the city that has pretty much become his home.

Even though he is now a Steeldog, he will always be a Steeler to the fans and will always be a part of the Steelers family.

We will all wish him the best for the next chapter in his life because it is exactly what he deserves.

His time and dedication to the club, the on ice achievements and the interaction with the fans are what have made him be held in such high regard among the fan base and the Steelers organisation as a whole.

When you add everything together, you soon realise why Jeff has become something special in the eyes of a vast number of people.

When he joined the club in his mid 20's he arrived as a hockey player that most fans didn't really know much about. Some 7 years later he is leaving the club as something completely different.

A legend.

Thank you Jeff, thank you.

You know the drill folks.


Until next time...


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