Saturday, 23 August 2014

Guest Column: Robert Newbolt On Arena Blues And Alternative Arrangements

Robert Newbolt usually writes about the history of the Steelers, but here, he looks at the future, and what chance we have for having our own place, in light of losing an Arena game (against the Panthers no less) to boxing.

I don’t usually write things, but if as I see it there is an injustice I will. And so here goes. Everything here is well documented - I am not ‘in the know’ so anything that isn’t factual is just my own view, I hasten to add.

As I am sure you all know by now Sheffield Steelers have lost their battle to dissuade the Motorpoint Arena to axe their December 6th game with Nottingham in favour of Kell Brooks first title defence.

Despite attempts by Steelers to fight the decision, the Arena would not change their mind. Presumably this was mainly business reasons – i.e. there will be more money generated from a boxing tournament.
This is mainly because I suspect the tickets will be far more expensive.

There has been much talk of ‘well its business’ and I agree, it is, but what about a small percentage of goodwill? After all, Sheffield Steelers provide bread and butter money part of the year: GUARANTEED.

Certain things may have got lost in the mists of time so I’ll highlight them here.

Back in 2009 Steelers accepted a deal with Oak Holdings to fund a purpose built site over 327acres. It would be available to all, said Steve Lewis, CEO of London-based Oak Holdings.

That was in May of 2009, and the project was expected to be up and running in two years.

However, they ran into monetary difficulties and in 2011 Rotherham council decided to terminate the agreement.

So we are at that stage again: Steelers are being hung out to dry in so many ways by the Arena but it would take massive cash injection to build a new building, if anywhere could be found.

It would need, in my opinion, seating for at least five thousand and this, obviously would make it expensive.

I am sure things have been brought to the fore because of this latest upset, the second in two years. You only needed to read the paper the other day to see that.
Club spokesman Dave Simms said: “We were delighted when Kell won the world title, but it seems we are suddenly becoming the losers out of this. Home dates against Nottingham are strategically picked to help with our cash-flow.
“It is not as if we can magic another suitable date up like that one. The Arena has switched dates on us many times - but, believe me, this one is about as bad as it gets.”
I leave you with the thoughts of The Steelers’ saviour Tony Smith, when asked about moving at a forum last year, he did utter:
Never say never.

Discuss the piece with Robert @NewboltRobert, on our Facebook page, or on the Frozen Steel Forum.

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