Monday, 5 January 2015

FSB Editorial - Why The Reaction To Grimaldi Shows We're Getting Better

I have a theory.

By now we've all seen that pathetic act of goonery from Joe Grimaldi in the NIC on Saturday night. It was above and beyond stupid, it was inexcusable, and it was indefensible.

And you know what? Nobody has even tried.

Usually when an incident of this nature happens, you'll always find one or two people willing to stick up for the perpetrator. "He was provoked", "the game's gone soft", "its a contact sport", "he's just doing his job."

And apart from one or two people clearly trying to provoke a reaction from others, there's been none of it. Nobody has tried to stick up for Grimaldi. From the tame "what a fool" tweets, to CapsBanterArmy's full dress-down on Monday night. Even his club, who sacked him within 18 hours of the incident, were having none of it. Fans from all clubs were united in their disbelief, their horror at this incident.

It's so refreshing to see people not try to defend the indefensible. Sometimes people turn themselves inside out trying to stick up for their player, regardless of what they've done, because it's their player. I seem to remember one or two sticking up for Andrew Sharp after he went all Kendo Stick down in Cardiff. None of that.

It's also pleasing to see the UK fanbase united for once. It only really happens once or twice a year, and usually it's when GB are playing, and even then it last for the first 5 minutes of their first game.

So my theory is this: the game in the UK is growing up. Baby steps, but progress nevertheless.

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