Thursday, 3 December 2015

Hockey Soapbox - Edition 3

Here’s our third week’s Frozen Steel blog take on the ‘EIHL Question Time’ format, where we take the views of a number of fans on four or five hot topic items. Hopefully this will become a regular thing and we’ll rotate the fans so it doesn’t get stale.
If you’d like to get involved, it’s pretty simple you only have to be able to string two sentences together, then please contact Mark @frozensteelblog or Tony @DISGU15ED, or find us at the game. Also get in touch if you have ideas for questions, or feedback on what you're about to read.

Contributors this week are: Mark Duell, Robert Newbolt, Eric Green and Edited by Tony.

An easy one to start with – what was this week's main talking point in the EIHL?
Robert - Surely the Elite league record making 11-9 win by Dundee Stars must take some beating if only for novelty value. The Dundee coach said after “I hope I don’t see another game like that this season” he must have his work cut out to shore up his defence.  It should be noted this was also a shirt retirement for Tony Hand, a fact overshadowed by the game.
Mark - Cardiff's home unbeaten record being ended at last. Or should that read shattered into pieces by the Panthers. 13 games without a defeat in the BBT before last Saturday, that got blown away. Proof that the Devils are beatable on home ice, you've just got to get the tactics spot on and Neilson certainly did that.
Tony – The closeness of the league at the top – Notts beat Cardiff, Sheff beat Notts, Man beat Belfast, Fife beat Clan, even Coventry won. This weekend more than most shows that a 2 win weekend can now be seen as a ‘hot streak’ rather than expecting to go 5 or 6 straight!
Editor – In lieu of Eric answering this one, I’ll step in again! Good goals being waved off. Jono against the Clan, Roy against the Blaze and now Fretter at the NIC – they weren’t all obvious at real speed, but wouldn’t it be nice if something that important could be reviewed in slo-mo straight away rather than via highlight programmes and rants from the coaches?

It’s always an interesting week in the EIHL isn’t it, next topic is your Player of the week.
Mark - Colton Fretter for me. Absolutely fantastic in a dull as ditch water game against the Blaze and an annoying pest against the Panthers. So glad we have him.
Robert - Brett Switzer for his five goal weekend, a hat trick against Manchester and weighing in with two of the eleven that Dundee scored on Sunday.
Eric - Any player that can wear a Tartan “KILT”, complete with sporran as a uniform to play ice hockey, earns my ultimate respect. That has got to be cold around the nether-regions. So my player of the week is everyone at The Braehead Clan.
Tony - Tommy Marchin, who was named tournament MVP for his four goals and two assists for the Brown Bears at the Friendship Four in Belfast. A man who won’t stay in the NCAA for long as he’s on his way up the hockey ladder at pace. Probably the only time we’ll see him over here ever!

Now a follow on question from last week. Is Marek Pinc the problem, and is Tyler Plante the answer?
Mark - No. Pinc is not the problem. It's that mindset thing which Eric alluded to last week. Although having Plante will lift the team; he is a goalie and a half.
Robert - Problem? What problem? But seriously: he isn't the problem although the defence are more comfortable in the knowledge that when they are caught out of position a netminder of Plante's positioning and movement could save a goal.
Eric - Marek's contract has been extended. So PT must think he is a "SHORT" term fix, therefore he ain't the problem. Is Plante the answer? Don't know but Steelers obviously see him as the "BIGGER" answer. I still blame "Mind Set" guy from last week.
Tony - Much as I used to love Jody Lehman when he came out to challenge the puck carrier, I'm less convinced when Pinc does it. Maybe age has got to him and isn't as athletic as he used to be but I'd prefer a big body who sits back in the net like Bownsy or a fit-again Plante.

Looking further afield, and into the future, who do you think will win the league this year
Robert - This sounds like a trivia question. At this stage, and after this weekend, it is much tighter. No one in their right mind could predict a champion. But I think anyone from sixth upward could challenge, it is really too early to say.
Mark - Still too close to call for me. Panthers might have the advantage at the moment but if they crack and someone goes on a streak then that's game on. If we can do the latter; don't ever rule us out.
(Editor: Careful of those splinters on that fence guys!)
Eric - Well pre-season everyone was betting on the Clan. But I think this "KILT" business see them off. The team to beat is the Welsh side in my opinion; they seem to make everyone step up to beat them. Oh dear! That's a Scottish side and a Welsh side: what's happened in England?
Tony - It's a beauty of a league again this year and the run up to Christmas will be key. Notts have a long away run and Clan have a long home run - whoever comes out of that the best will win the league IMO. Maybe another team will go on a streak but there's very little evidence to support that idea in the results so far.

Finally, after a glorious away day victory, what’s the favourite away rink you've visited, inside or outside the EIHL.
Robert - I have not visited many away rinks recently but I like the NIC. The sight lines from everywhere are brilliant, the seating is good, but the concourse is too small. Heaven help them if they had to evacuate people in an emergency.
Mark - I'll go for Braehead. Fans are awesome, such a feel good factor there. But the one entrance and exit route is a bit of a pain. If I wasn't then I'd be a Clan fan without question.
Eric - I was going to plump for Murrayfield but if I had to wear a "KILT" to be play ice hockey then it's got to be Glasgow. "At least it ain't as cold round the nether regions"
Tony - I've still to go to Giants or Clan away and they're meant to be great. I like the NIC especially when you're sitting centre ice as the steepness of the seating makes for great views. Favourite experience is my single DEL game in the Laxness in Cologne - standing areas behind the goals with blokes chanting and waving flags. Awesome.

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