Sunday, 18 December 2016

Big Match Preview - Coventry Double Header

Games are coming thicker and faster than ever more now as we start to kick on the business end of the season; where trophies are won and lost. I'm typing this on the Sunday after losing AGAIN to those Cardiff Devils. The very same Cardiff Devils that just have been beaten by an understrength Bears team in the NIC.

Anyway we have a couple of games before the Christmas games against them Bears, sorry I mean Panthers. We face a team that is starting to click and have found a bit of form in the last few weeks, we present to you:

Yes it's the Coventry Blaze, and that means Briaaaaaannnnnn!  The very same that loves to chuck his proverbial teddies out of the pram when things ain't going his or the Blaze's way. Forget the teddy toss on Boxing Day, teddies really go in the air when Mr Stewart is not on his game - we've seen many a meltdown in his three years in the Midlands. And it's bloody entertaining to watch as well. Believe me, if you haven't seen one yet then you're in for a treat if he does go bananas.

Blaze are under the coaching these days of Danny Stewart, a man who as a player was in the truest sense, a rink rat. He loved to wind up opponents and get under their proverbial skin, and we have seen it ourselves a few times. After a sloppy start, Blaze have started to go through the gears and are playing a Stewart type game: not giving a moment's peace and quiet to those in opposition.

They also have another Stewart, no relation to Brian, but in Liam - the son of Rodney and the Kiwi babe herself Rachel Hunter. Imagine stood behind her in the snack bar, guys would just drool. Mind you my good friend Ronnie Mitchell of Braehead has actually done that, lucky guy you Ronnie! Stewart Jr is proving to be useful especially when the Blaze are shorthanded, he scored a brace in Braehead this way just 24 hours ago. That's something we need to be wary of, as well as the Blaze team which are captained by Jordan Pietrus who is a bit of a thorn shall we say when it comes to facing us.

Forewarned is definitely forearmed as they say.

But can we get a maximum haul from the Blaze before the Christmas break? Indisputably, why not. We are more than a match for Danny's guys, in fact I'd go along and say we're a lot better than them in most areas. Prediction: Steelers to win 4-2 at the Arena and 3-2 in overtime at the SkyDome the following night. Sets us up for Boxing Day, now remind me who we are playing then...

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