Time once more for your Hockey Soapbox. This might be the final one of the season, might be one more, but that's dependent on what happens over the weekend against the Bears or I want to do one last but we wrap the 2016-17 season up.
We got a full panel this week airing their opinions. Alongside your co-editors Mark and Tony, we have Nathan (who's gone on a bit of rant), Andy "The Vuvuzela" Roberts, our Scottish Steeler in Nicki Blueitt and the ever lovable Eric who is still trying to find Tom Darnell's dog so he can take it for a walk now he (Eric) is retired. That's the introductions done, time to get on those soapboxes everybody.
1. Five words on Friday (yes, that's not a misprint)
Brad Should Start More Games
Bragging rights at the NIC
Always win dead rubber games
Won game twelve of fourteen
Upsetting the Bears once more
Brad Day has stellar night
2. Five words on Sunday
Average against an average team
Brian Stewart melt down lol
Big John was on fire
Outside Influences? What Outside Influences?
Yes... Stewart has another paddy!
Last Time We'll See Briiiiiiiaaaaan?
3. What was your performance of the season?
Nicki: Performance of the season has to be when we thrashed the Panthers. My God that game just clicked for the lads and every shot felt like went in.
Tony: The win at home against Salzburg in the CHL. We needed to win one after both Braehead and Nottingham grabbed one in the two previous years. Loved it and wonder if the combo of being occasionally competitive and having big crowds convinced the Champions Hockey League to give the EIHL a second berth after the panties won the InterToto plate. I will probably go to either Nottingham or Cardiff next year to catch the CHL next year.
Mark: It's a toss up between two for me. The Salzburg CHL game was extra special as it proved that on our day, we can complete with a team that has a budget way in excess of ours and turn in a polished performance over 60 minutes. The 6-2 home win this month against the Devils was equally sweet, yes they lost Bownsy to injury but we were relentless that night and solid as a rock.
Andy: Two performances have stood out for me. The first was way back in August when we visited HV71 Jönköping. The fact some of their fans were worried at the end of the 2nd period speaks volumes for our performance. I know we lost in the end but I can't say enough how proud of our boys I was. The second was the away trip to Cardiff in January when we finally won 4-3 having lost again a few weeks before. We really dug in hard to get the win. Amazing how empty the Devils bar was after the game that night!
Nathan: It's been a pretty unmemorable season for great performances but for me the one that stands out is the 1st win in IAW where we looked like a team that really meant business against the team that ultimately won the league. How and why we didn't maintain that level is anyone's guess and the only other game to come close was the 6-2 home win against, again, the Devils. A season of inconsistency and frustration which probably is flattered by our league position.
Eric: If I'm honest, none really stand out, our early form brought some good games, of those our early game at the IAW must be up there. But as soon as Lord and Co. Worked out our game play, they pushed up ice on the forecheck and after that all the other teams read our weakness. So thereafter nothing stood out.
4. And on the flip side, your worst performance?
Tony: The double header at home against Belfast at the end of January. Fortunately I missed the first game, as it sounded like a stinker - and the second wasn't much better, and the combo sealed our fate in the league.
Mark: I missed the Christmas games and the 4-1 loss to Coventry so I'm going to go with the first game of the home double header against the Giants at the end of January. It was abject and had me literally pulling my hair out (not that I have much now) with rage. It cost us second place in the league and I have never left the House Of Steel in such a bad mood; I had to have copious amounts of alcohol to get back in a reasonable mood.
Andy: I can't think of a really disappointing team performance off the top of my head (joys of working nights this week). The biggest disappointments (bar losing our title at home and not winning CC) for me have been off the ice. We seem to have spent the entire season in the news for the all wrong reasons. Thommo blaming the fans, Tony trying to ban away travel and Simmsey with his latest faux pas to name three! One day our PR will not embarrass us...one day
Nathan: Where do I start? Boxing Day? The CC eve game against Coventry? Both bad team performances. Or what about our PP and PK performances? Poor to say the least? Or what about our woeful D all season? Or the bad coaching performances? I digress. I think Boxing Day was, as usual, over hyped and we stank the barn out big time but the Blaze debacle did it for me. I was fuming during the game, fuming afterwards and still pretty irked by it as I write this. We move on.
Oh I almost forgot, bad performance by our estate agent in residence for a variety of ill timed coments and newspaper dummy spitting episodes just because a few of us (PAYING CUSTOMERS) dare to question or voice criticism of his best mates methods such as his constant messing around with the lines or his painfully predictable and pathetic post game excuses or his bizarre reluctance to use a time out every now and then.
Oh also the fact that he seems to be the only person this side of the Moon who see's anything at all in Jace Coyle other than his instinctive ability to be able to watch a puck for 60 mins.
Eric: Worst performance, where do I start, the Boxing Day game and the Coventry game. Dear oh dear. Woeful....
If we are talking on and off the ice. On ice:- 60% of the D, all season. Coaching staff 90% of the season. Off ice:- David Simms 10% of the season (but 80% with just one bad brain fart) and some dummy spitting between him and the owner about the fans opinions 40%.
Nicki: Worse has to be Boxing Day again. Once again when ever there is all the hype we never show up. Got the feeling it will happen again for the play off games
5. Should the Club re-instate the Ice Sheffield season ticket or not?
Mark: Because of work commitments, I can rarely attend an IS game. But I ain't the biggest fan of the place for Steelers games, so it's a no from me.
Andy: I have made my feelings known about Ice Sheffield in past soapbox rantings. For me we should be playing at the HoS for every game . With this in mind there would be no need for a season ticket. I understand there is a cost implication to the club but the HoS is our home. That said I am pleased we have the en-suite so when there is no available dates we can still play with out having a fixture pile up.
Nathan: With most games being midweek at Ice Sheffield I can't commit to them due to work but it would be nice to give fans the option so yes I think they should.
Eric: As things stand I am not to fussed about ice Sheffield games, so I would certainly not pay anything extra over the current season ticket price, especially if we get served the same borefest, dross and inconsistent hockey offered up by Tom & Jerry.
Nicki: I'm not sure if it needs to be reinstated. Why don't they just offer cheap tickets. £10 adult £5 child and folk might make the effort on a school night or might get some newbies coming for a look???
Tony: I wouldn't buy an Ice Sheffield season ticket as so many games are midweek, so not for me thanks.
6. Have you ever won anything at games such as 50/50, SOTB?
Andy: I have been lucky enough to win the 50/50 twice in my time as a Steelers fan. Once at Ice Sheffield approx £750 and once away at Edinburgh approx £130. I have never been closer than 1 away from winning a SOTB.
Nathan: Nothing, Zero, Zilch. Don't expect to either as I think Eric has the monopoly on our block for such things!
Eric: Yes. The GREENBUNCH have won a few quid on the 50/50 on a couple of occasions. Surprisingly both around the Festive/New Year period. Having said that I have to subsidise my money to buy the kids something off the car boot for them to open on Christmas Day.
Nicki: I've never won sod all on 50/50 or SOB. Closest I have been was 1 away form a Stefan Meyer's shirt on a Steelers away trip at the Clan a couple of seasons ago.
Tony: Hell yeah - won the SOTB in an Ice Sheffiled game against Fife. We chose Jono as it was very close to our 20th anniversary, and he was one of the few who played half decent that night.
Mark: Once, and only once as I've never won anything since. I won the 50/50 when we racked up that 18-1 scoreline against Edinburgh in 2011. Prize that night was a massive £300, how times have changed eh? Only saw £150 of it as I had to share with me Mam...and that's not changed!
And finally...name your final four and subsequent winners of the play-offs?
Nathan: Cardiff, Belfast, Steelers & Braehead.
Although these are the sort of games where upsets happen so I wouldn't be surprised if Storm, Flyers and Stars all progress. As for the winners? Us of course.
Nicki: Play off 4 will be CARDIFF, BELFAST, PANTHERS & CLAN
WINNER CARDIFF. can't see anyone stopping that team. It's just massive and talented.
Just to mix it up I would like to mention how dodgy was that result on Sunday for the Cardiff v Belfast???! You could have put your house on Cardiff throwing that game and letting Belfast win. Most obvious match fix ever!!! Cardiff are not daft to make sure either the Panthers orSsteelers don't make play off weekend and effect the crowd attendance. They have a much better chance of winning without the pressure of our fans or Panthers fans against them. They would take Belfast every day with the few fans they bring. I just thought it stunk that result and got the result both of those teams would have wanted. I did win big on that game it was the safest bet all season. Mmmmm one to think about.
Mark: Going for Cardiff, Clan, Giants and ourselves to qualify. Fancy us to actually win it as well as complete underdogs since everyone will be expecting Devils to win their proper Grand Slam. It's time to stand up and be counted if you want a job next season in orange.
Eric: My four for the final weekend:- Cardiff (to win it) Nottingham (because I think we will choke) Belfast (but Fife may run them close) Braehead (because they are marginally better than Dundee/Storm).
Tony: Final four should be Cardiff, Belfast, Sheffield and Nottingham - but the bizarre conference seeding means one Gardiner team is almost guaranteed a place every year, and you can normally bank on at least one surprise over just two legs. I'd love us to win it, and think we can, as that will get us into the Continental Cup next year. Cardiff v Sheffield in the final, and Fife v Braehead in the third/fourth.
Andy: My final 4 for the POFW are Cardiff, Sheffield, Belfast and Dundee. For the winner I fear we are going to see a real grand slam not one of those Bears ones. I hope it is us though. I fancy another European tour!
and that's the soapbox for this week!
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