Welcome one and all to this week's Hockey Soapbox. It's been a typical week in Steelerland with a lot of recurring issues happening. On your panel this week are your Editor-In-Chief Mark, Co-Owner of Steel Talk Jay Smith, our rant specialist Nathan and the ever honest Fay. What's on the panel's minds this week? Time to get on those soapboxes then.
1. Five Words On Friday
Nothing Out Of The Ordinary
Good Performance against Poor Side
Road Win Against Poor Opposition
Another Win On The Road
2. Five Words On Sunday
No Spark, No Plan B
Thommo Hockey At It's Best
Another Conference Loss Yet Again
Losing the will to live
3. Why are we so bad against our Conference teams?
Nathan: You
can try to pin it down to any number of things, but we're simply not good
enough. Sure we have players who should be good enough, Dowd, Nelson, Matheson
aside though and the depth just isn't there. There is a huge cliff face drop
from the 2nd line to the 3rd and it's down to poor recruitment. Wallace,
Westerling, Jamtin, are average at best and for whatever reason The (highly
disputed) King of Sheffield is a shadow of his former self. Marquardt seems to
have gone completely off the boil and unless we're playing Dundee, Armstrong's
only contribution is a rather impressive Claude Reins impersonation. Moose
gets hung out to dry on a regular basis and Ben O'Connor is having a shocking
time of it.
sure we'll end up beating one of them sooner or later but I'm afraid it'll be a
case of too little too late.
Mark: We just seem to be found out easily. The coaches in our conference seem to know what we are "apparently" good at and what is our Achilles heel. They do their homework on us, and then outsmart us. We need to be better, do the same to them what they do to us. But with the current regime, they just seem to be stuck with just one idea and it's one idea that doesn't work.
Jay: Our
coach is not good enough and should be replaced.
Fay: They’ve
recruited well and studied our game plan, which never changes. We don’t take
our opportunities well enough. We are losing our discipline. There’s zero
4. Is Mark Matheson the player of the year already?
Mark: He's certainly been the best of the new imports for sure, and I'm not embarrassed to have his name and number on the back of my shirt this season. And that's not interlinked with the fact we share the same nickname too hehe. He will certainly be up there when the awards are handed out; if he isn't then something is terribly amiss. One signing that Thommo got spot on.
Jay: No,
he maybe the best out of the new recruits by a long way but player of the year!
Fitzy, Nelson or Dowd all are better.
Fay: Him
or Aarssen!
Nathan: Yes
he is. Our only decent new signing of the season. Were it not for him I fear
our season would already be over. Calm
on the puck, makes simple but effective plays. Hardly give away any turnovers. Can't
we clone him?
5. Which film would best describe our season?
Jay: Titanic.
Nathan: Groundhog Day
Fay: Inception.
Mark: I would go for the foreign language film "Downfall".
6. And finally, is the hockey we witness this season worse than
the Doug Christiansen time and why/why not?
Fay: No but it’s heading that way. Coach needs to start taking
ownership of his teams poor performances! We’ve lost that spark that made our
team so special last year.
Mark: It's not the best and is hardly providing us with "entertainment". Christiansen's hockey really bored me but the Thommo one at present is pushing it close. Fans will start voting with their feet if it doesn't improve. And that simply won't do!
Jay: Not quite but its getting very close...
Nathan: My first game was Big Doug's last game, a 3-1
reversal to the Nottingham Bears so I can't really comment on that but numerous
people's comments on social media and Internet forums tend to draw
comparisons to his reign when discussing the current regime.
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