Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Frozen Steel Player Of The Month - February 2014

This month, we had a fair spread of votes. This may be because of the lacklustre performances some of you all suffered through, or maybe the team played about as bad as each other.

Thank you to the 14% of people who voted Andy Jaszcyzk's 1 minute clean sheet as worthy of the Player of the Month title. This is what happens when I let people vote with anonymity.

Anyway, without further ado, your Sheffield Steelers Frozen Steel Player of the Month is.....

Photo by Dean Woolley

Stefan, Stefan Stefan, Stefan Stefan, Stefan STEFAN MEYER!

With 16% of the vote, our former Calgary Flame takes the title. I feel it's well deserved, as the Orange Bulldozer has been one of the few players to come away from the month with any sort of reputation left in tact. I think Stefan will be one of the names mentioned a lot when it comes to the Player of the Year title.

In all seriousness, thanks to everyone who voted. I know some people may have voted a couple of times using different devices, but this month has seen the highest vote count yet. Our little blog taking babysteps to getting better.

Now for the team eh?


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