Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Cullen Eddy - 16/9/14

Cullen returns with week two of his exclusive diary for Frozen Steel. Big thanks to the big guy.

16-Sept 2014

So after a full week of the regular season we have 3 games under our belts and have showcased a number of different characteristics a team needs to win.

From playing through all kinds of adversity; missing players, long bus trips, getting in late at nights, we found ways not only to win but dominate.

Starting off the weekend we had a long trip to play the Fife Flyers in Scotland. We had to battle a 6 hour scenic roady through the various terrains of the UK to get to our destination to play our first regulation game of the season.

We started the game out a little flat but managed to get our legs under us as the game went on. From the top of the roster to the bottom everybody was firing on all cylinders. The game was very exciting back and forth hockey, we would score a couple then Fife would come back with a couple goals of their own.

Heading into the third period we were leading 3-1 confident that we could keep the lead. With a couple of faulty plays we managed to blow our second lead of the game giving life to a team that we had been working over in all areas of the ice for about a period and a half.

With a couple minutes left the FFR line popped a goal past the Fife goalie giving us a lead. With 9 seconds left in the game with the Fife goalie pulled they scored a crucial goal tying the game eventually sending the battle into over time. With a 5 minute sudden death over time, both teams exhausted from a full out 60 minute battle the game ended, putting both teams into a best of 3 shoot out.

With some great goal tending from Frank Doyle and some great shots from our shooters we pulled out with the 2 points very pleased to get the victory after blowing a 2 goal lead.

While there were many positives from that game their comes a lot of learning points for us to build off of making us a better team down the road. Getting on the bus the boys were all fired up because of the victory but also knowing we would be better tomorrow. On our way home trying to sleep and get some rest for Sunday's game our bus drivers managed to get lost, adding 2 extra hours to our trip getting us back to Sheffield at 630 AM.

With a game around the corner we knew that we would have to get some rest and do it all again in a couple hours. Coming to the rink with a couple hours of sleep I knew the game was going to go well with the attitude the guys showed in the locker room pre game. From the drop of the puck every guy on the ice was playing with passion and giving it their all for each other and the fans of the #orangeandblack.

Once we got the first goal there was no stopping us, it seemed that everybody was making plays,
creating plays and taking whatever life the Flyers had from them.

With great performances from all the players we are sitting at 2-0 in regular season looking to build off of the success we have had as well as learn from the mistakes we have made along the way. With a week of practice and a couple top calibre teams in front of us we will look to put our game to the test this weekend.

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