Sunday, 19 October 2014

The View From On High - Steelers 5-3 Devils 18/10/14

Well I think it was a good choice for first game of the season.

Skilled hockey. Physical hockey. Intensity. The lot, really.

Here's my thoughts on it.

Tyler Mosienko
I really don't want to like him. It's impossible not to though. Quality player, 100% workrate. Definitely this season's Stefan Meyer.

Darrell Hay
I've been very quiet about Darrell Hay thus far this season, because when you're watching at home on the webcast, you don't notice the quiet things that he does very very well. Cleans up plays, clears the puck, clever use of the body - doesn't fly into checks because he doesn't need to. Very intelligent player.

Ben O'Connor
Give him a blank cheque. Keep him here. Please.

That's what a rivalry is supposed to look like, folks. Pure committed display from both sides, left everything on the ice, great game to watch - you could tell the casuals enjoyed it.

Roughly this time last year, I was at the Halloween game against Coventry. We won, and we played alright, but I wasn't impressed.

Last night, whole different ball game. You have just got to love the way G has set his team out. They won't settle for any nonsense, they stick up for each other, and they're bloody good at ice hockey. Huge contrast.

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