the UK Forum All-Stars weekend upon us I spoke with Alex Smith about his
involvement with weekend.
FSB - How long have you been involved in the UK Forum All-Stars? And why tell me your story?
AS - This is actually my 1st year
playing in the UK Forum All-Stars; I was down to play last year but had to pull
out last minute sadly. I've seen it go from strength to strength since it
started in 2008 and it's always been an event I've wanted to be involved in.
FSB - In your own words what does the All-Stars stand for?
AS - It stands for a great weekend playing an amazing sport, with great people and most importantly raising money for some great charities.
FSB - What’s been your favourite memory to date?
AS - Well as I haven't played in the Tournament before it has to be getting picked to play this year as I know how many people register so it was great that I got picked, My team are also the opening match on Saturday so that will also be a great honour. Hopefully will be closing out the tournament in the final on Sunday too.
FSB - Who are you representing this year! And has it any special significant to you?
AS - I'm representing Sheffield Children's Hospital, they are quite close to my heart as I was in there as a child and I know what great work they do in helping sick children.
FSB - Nearly 100k has been raised since the all-stars began I’m guessing the next target is 200k? And what do you think the total for this year will reach?
AS - Yeah that should definitely be the next target. It’s going from strength to strength each year. Well it’s just under a week before the weekend and we’re already on 24k, so I wouldn't be surprised if we hit over 50k which would be an amazing effort by everyone involved.
FSB - Why should people come down to Ice Sheffield at the weekend?
AS - Because its raising money for 8 great causes, there will be some great hockey on show and some funny moments which will not to be missed and overall it’s just a great fun filled weekend with loads going on in a great atmosphere. Not to be missed!!
FSB - Finally what are your sponsorship details in a final bid to get you some more donations?
AS - My Just giving page is www.justgiving.com/alex-smith88 please give generously guys it’s for a great cause.
FSB - How long have you been involved in the UK Forum All-Stars? And why tell me your story?

FSB - In your own words what does the All-Stars stand for?
AS - It stands for a great weekend playing an amazing sport, with great people and most importantly raising money for some great charities.
FSB - What’s been your favourite memory to date?
AS - Well as I haven't played in the Tournament before it has to be getting picked to play this year as I know how many people register so it was great that I got picked, My team are also the opening match on Saturday so that will also be a great honour. Hopefully will be closing out the tournament in the final on Sunday too.
FSB - Who are you representing this year! And has it any special significant to you?
AS - I'm representing Sheffield Children's Hospital, they are quite close to my heart as I was in there as a child and I know what great work they do in helping sick children.
FSB - Nearly 100k has been raised since the all-stars began I’m guessing the next target is 200k? And what do you think the total for this year will reach?
AS - Yeah that should definitely be the next target. It’s going from strength to strength each year. Well it’s just under a week before the weekend and we’re already on 24k, so I wouldn't be surprised if we hit over 50k which would be an amazing effort by everyone involved.
FSB - Why should people come down to Ice Sheffield at the weekend?
AS - Because its raising money for 8 great causes, there will be some great hockey on show and some funny moments which will not to be missed and overall it’s just a great fun filled weekend with loads going on in a great atmosphere. Not to be missed!!
FSB - Finally what are your sponsorship details in a final bid to get you some more donations?
AS - My Just giving page is www.justgiving.com/alex-smith88 please give generously guys it’s for a great cause.
Thank you for reading and thank you to Alex Smith for taking the time to answer a few questions you can find Alex on Twitter @steelersmith88 so give him a follow and give him some support and why not sponsor him a couple of quid while you’re at it!
to see you at Ice Sheffield at the weekend!
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