Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Muzzy4Money Launches - Get Involved

What makes a great moustache?

Having a moustache used to be a fine art. Lots of cultivation, commitment and hard work. Getting it how you want it. How often do you see a good old-fashioned

twirly moustache these days? Not enough, by my estimation.

Now, this season we have a lot of players with beards. Not to say a word against them, but anyone can grow a beard. Just don't shave. It's that easy, even I'm doing it.

But a moustache...you have to shape it. You have to mould it. You have to care for it.

They have taken a bit of a pelting in recent memory, usually associated with dirty old men in macs. Apart from one month a year.

You will all be aware of the Movember appeal in aid of testicular cancer. You may not be aware of its cousin, Hockey Players Assemble's Muzzy 4 Money.

Organised by ex-Steeler (and current Clan player) Chris Frank, it is an appeal to encourage hockey players to grow their moustaches in order to raise money for cancer research charities.

Will we see any Magnums this year? Or maybe some 1920s' Vaudevillian silent movie bad guys? Or perhaps even the good old Fu Man Chu.

I know hockey players read us - some, anyway. Want to help out a good cause?

It's not just players though. Muzzy4money wants fans too. Male or female, young or old, show Muzzy4Money your best moustache or faux-tache and you could win a prize - you don't even have had to have raised the most money.


Visit http://www.thehpassemble.org/create-campaign/ to register.

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